Elite Movement Chiropractic Clinic
ChiropractorsHealth & Fitness & NutritionMassage Therapy
M- 9am-6:30pm, W- 8am-5:30pm, R- 2pm-7pm, F 7:30am-12pm
Driving Directions:
Located in the Arrowhead Commons complex, off of Charlevoix avenue, about a mile east of Bay Harbor.
About Us
Welcome to Elite Movement Chiropractic Clinic! We are a sports chiropractic clinic serving the greater Northern Michigan area. We believe that life is an athletic adventure, and that every person is an athlete! Our mission is to bring forth the understanding of why you hurt, and to create together, the tools and confidence to correct the issue. And to show that our bodies are not fragile relics to be protected, but that we are designed to be resilient and dynamic movers
Rep/Contact Info
Dr. Garrett KuhlmanDr. Garrett KuhlmanChiropractic PhysicianMrs. Jessi KuhlmanMrs. Jessi KuhlmanOffice ManagerTell a Friend
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